11_Aug_APUS_Ways to foster Brand Loyalty through Audio Streaming Services in Audience

Fostering Brand Loyalty through Audio Streaming Platforms in Audience  

We’ve come a long way from changing radio stations to subscribing to podcasts and audio streaming platforms. It’s been a journey of evolving audio experiences—from waiting for hours to listen to our favorite radio jockeys to simply clicking on an audiobook whenever we want. 

The journey was not profound only for listeners but for businesses and brands, too. Audio streaming platforms brought out the best opportunities for brands and industry leaders to personally connect with their consumers and non-consumers.  

But why couldn’t they achieve it on screen? Why are audio streaming platforms better when it comes to brand loyalty? Why do consumers tend to listen to podcasts of an expert rather than watching them on TV or video streaming apps? Let’s find the answers.  

Convenience is the go-to factor that makes audio streaming more popular among consumers  

Listening trumps watching any day when it comes to multitasking, and let’s be honest, who wants to juggle both eyes and ears just for entertainment? Whether you’re driving, working out, cooking up a storm, or even attempting a tap dance routine, audio streaming has your back. 

Audio streaming services are popular because their consumption is on-go. Even most platforms (engaged with text) give options to listen to their content besides reading.  

In addition to convenience, accessibility has become another denominator for consumers to opt for listening. For those with dyslexia visual impairments, or anyone who finds reading a challenge, audio streaming services are a total lifesaver. It’s all about making entertainment enjoyable and available whenever needed. The convenience factor has led to a surge in audio content consumption, with over 60 million Americans tuning into podcasts each week.  

The rising popularity of audio streaming services has shown consumer loyalty to brands and their leaders. Consumers keep returning to these platforms to listen and engage in conversation related to technology, entertainment, health and fitness, cooking, business, finance, and many other sectors. An industry report revealed that Spotify, a central audio streaming platform, experienced the lowest churn rate (annual percentage rate at which customers stop subscribing) among streaming platforms (video and audio).  

Engaging, entertaining, and empowering get to capture the attention  

Today, I stumbled upon a mind-boggling fact: over 5 million podcasts are floating around on various audio streaming platforms. That’s a lot of talking! With so much content out there, you might wonder—how can brands expect any kind of loyalty? It’s like trying to stand out at a never-ending party where everyone’s got a mic. 

But here’s another juicy tidbit: 504 million podcast listeners worldwide! That’s a whole lot of ears. But before you start doing mental gymnastics to figure out how to capture their attention, remember this—today’s chaotic digital world has shrunk our attention span to a mere 8 seconds. So, creating content that’s not just good but downright irresistible is critical. 

Another way to make people stick with you is to — keep creating niche content. Imagine you’re all set to whip up a delicious dinner and be in the zone with your favorite podcast playing in the background. It’s all about cooking tips, spices, and secret recipes. But then, out of nowhere, the podcast pivots to a true crime story about a mysterious disappearance. Instead of dicing vegetables, you’re wondering if you locked your front door. 

That’s the risk when a podcast strays too far from its niche. When listeners tune in for a specific topic, they expect consistency. It’s like showing up to your favorite bakery only to find out they’ve started selling shoes. Sure, the shoes might be great, but that’s not why you’re there. By sticking to niche content, podcasts can keep their audience engaged and loyal, ensuring that they get exactly what they came for every time someone tunes in. 

Is it now engaging with every single listener? Impossible. But are they connecting one-on-one with your most loyal fans? That’s where the magic happens. Listening to their feedback, acknowledging their interests, and showing good old-fashioned gratitude can turn casual listeners into brand advocates. Plus, when others see those interactions, they’ll also want in on the action. It’s all about making your brand voice so strong that it echoes in every pair of headphones. 

Exclusivity may not bring brand loyalty 

Creating platform-exclusive content might seem like a clever strategy, but let’s face it—when people have endless options, it’s tough to make everyone play by your rules. That’s why the most significant podcasts are available on every platform, from Spotify to YouTube, iTunes, Audible, and beyond. Why does this approach work? Because, as the saying goes, old habits die hard. Some listeners might not want to jump through hoops to access a new platform when they can easily find your content on the ones they already know and love. 

Another game-changing angle is making your content as sharable and accessible as possible. The internet is crawling with millions of untapped consumers waiting to discover something new. By ensuring your content can be easily shared across social media and other platforms, you open the door to a broader audience. It’s all about making it effortless for people to find and listen to your content, no matter where they are, and encouraging them to spread the word. 

Cut to the chase 

Brands and industry leaders aiming to make a lasting impression in the market can harness the power of audio-streaming platforms to build strong brand loyalty. Crafting high-quality content that’s niche but also entertaining and irresistibly shareable.  

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