03_Sep_APUS_New Findings revealed What Consumer want from Ads

2024 Advertising Trends: Visuals Over Narratives, Products Over Pricing

According to a fresh report by Smartly, the AI-powered ad tech company, marketers face some major surprises—especially if they want to keep up with the ever-changing tastes of Gen Z and Gen Alpha. This report offers new insights and timeless reminders for brands hoping to create show-stopping ad creatives and campaigns. 

Traditional motivators like interest, affordability, and awareness are taking a back seat for these younger consumers. Instead, it’s all about product quality, relevance, and authenticity. If you’re a marketer, these are the magic ingredients to make your next campaign a hit with the next-gen crowd. So, let’s dive into the Smartly Report 2024 and break it down. 

Authenticity and uniqueness outshine personalization in ad creatives for Gen Z 

For Gen Z, it’s not just about personalization anymore—authenticity and standing out get their attention. Imagine a skincare brand that openly shares its ingredients versus one about marketing promises. Which one do you think will win over the new-age consumer? Spoiler: It’s the brand that keeps it real. 

Being authentic, for marketers, means showing what the brand truly stands for, staying consistent with that identity, and delivering on the promises made in the ad. And it’s not just about solving a problem; it’s about doing it with transparency. Gen Z doesn’t want the corporate, “safe” style of ads—they want something raw and relatable. That’s the bonus point. 

And let’s not forget being different still matters. It’s a constant. The Smartly Report shows that even today, a brand can’t afford to look like everyone else. If two companies run identical campaigns, you might as well kiss the “authentic” vibes goodbye. 

Presentation comes before storytelling for Gen Zs while watching ad creatives on digital platforms 

Forget the days when ads were all about long, drawn-out storytelling—Gen Z is all about the presentation. An ad’s sight, sound, and motion are four times more impactful than any story you’re trying to tell. It’s a practical shift: with the rise of shorter-form content on digital platforms, if your first frame, sound, or motion doesn’t grab attention, your entire message falls flat.  

Why the shift? Younger generations have moved away from TV and long-form content. Digital platforms, especially with short videos, are where they live and breathe. So, if you want to capture their attention, your ad must be visually compelling from the start. The report said, “Gen Z is the most exacting when it comes to the production and aesthetic values
 of advertising.” Music, sonic branding, and motion design are your new best friends—use them wisely. 

Simply put, in the world of Gen Z, presentation is king. The story doesn’t stand a chance if your ad doesn’t look good in the first few seconds. 

The new gen thinks only about the product while making a purchase, price and discount matter less  

Brand awareness, storytelling, and messaging are all great—but in the end, Gen Z only cares about one thing: the product. No matter how compelling your brand’s emotional narrative is, the product seals the deal. Quality, real-time reviews, and warranties push young consumers to hit “buy.” Everything else is just noise. 

Sure, awareness and consideration take time, but at the end of the day, every brand is selling something. Your audience won’t care about your heartwarming story if that something isn’t intriguing. 

Another critical takeaway? Price tags and discounts still play a role, but they’ve taken a back seat to product value. Young consumers are more willing to invest in the right product rather than obsess over saving a few bucks. 

Oh, and marketers—don’t get lazy with your ads. Even if your product is revolutionary, a dull, clinical ad won’t cut it. Presentation still rules, and it’s what grabs the attention of this savvy generation. Even the best products could go unnoticed if your ad doesn’t shine. 

New Gen ad creative recommendations to marketers  

To win over Gen Z and younger generations, brands need to focus on two significant aspects: aesthetics and product quality. 

Over 80% of Gen Z and younger consumers care more about how ads look and feel than previous generations. Brands must go all out with visuals, music, and production quality. The ad shouldn’t just sell—it should entertain. 

Invest in visually striking, immersive ads that resonate with this audience’s love for creativity. Bold colors, sharp designs, and fast-paced cuts can grab attention. Stay updated with current visual trends on platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts.  

While flashy ads capture attention, transforming that interest into a purchase takes a solid, high-quality product. Gen Z values the product 4.2 times more than the storytelling and 1.6 times more than the production value. 

Show authenticity through customer testimonials, reviews, or behind-the-scenes looks at the product in action. 

Mix humor, wit, and authenticity into your ads. Make them fun to watch, shareable, and relatable. 

By combining appealing aesthetics, quality products, and engaging content, brands can captivate and convert Gen Z consumers more effectively. 

Cut to the chase  

A new report on creative ads and their impact on younger generations has revealed some eye-opening insights. Authenticity is now the top priority, with presentation overtaking storytelling. Pricing and discounts have taken a back seat as product quality becomes critical for purchase decisions. Brands must rethink a lot as they shape their next strategy. 

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