03_Oct_ADPUS_Holiday Rush is coming. FInd out visible and subtle consumer behaviour during the time

Crush the Christmas Rush by Understanding 2024 Holiday Buyer Behavior

The holidays are dawning on us, and this time, it will be a short season with just 27 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The shorter the season, the smarter strategies tuned to holiday buyer behavior demands to succeed. Now, we have super formulae based on consumer market behavior to devise a foolproof plan for the coming shopping season.  

According to the reports and insights, many shoppers have been making their Wishlist (yay) and making shopping moves in stores for themselves and their loved ones. However, there are days to be over and business to be done. The latest 3 major consumer behavior trends are surfacing, such as holiday lights: pricing, mobile shopping, and experience. These drivers are the golden keys brands need to unlock success this season. 

It is time to craft a new marketing plan for Q4 based on new insights. Let’s roll with the new consumer market behavior patterns brands and marketers must adapt to drive success in the holiday shopping season of 2024.  

Pricing is the priority for holiday shoppers and brands in 2024

The numbers speak volumes: McKinsey’s report says shoppers are tightening their belts again, with Bankrate adding that 33% of them plan to spend less than last year. Inflation’s a real Grinch, but how do you, as a brand, swoop in and save the day? 

This season is expected to hit around $240.8 billion in sales from November 1 to December 31. That’s a decent figure, but don’t get too comfortable—it’s just a forecast, folks. The real challenge? Capturing the attention of deal-hunting shoppers. 75% of them are glued to promotions, making discounts the lucrative bait they can’t resist. 

So, what’s the game plan for brands and marketers? First, make pricing irresistible, but don’t just slap a discount sticker on everything. Create urgency and exclusivity—timely offers that tap into FOMO (fear of missing out). Also, get creative with how you communicate those deals.  

Craft engaging messages that connect with your target audience’s emotions. Flash sales, loyalty points, buy-one-get-one, limited-time bundles—all tools to make your brand the one that keeps shoppers glued to your site or store. 

In short, make every dollar count in your pricing and deal-advertising strategy and keep your offers irresistible because the clock is ticking, and every sale matters. 

Get your brands ready for mobile adoption, yesterday

By 2024, the U.S. boasts a whopping 310 million smartphone users—that’s a 96 percent penetration rate. Shopping through mobile has become the main event. Last year, mobile shopping officially overtook desktop during the holiday season, and this year, it will only grow. Adobe predicts mobile revenue will hit a record 53.2 percent of online shopping, raising a jaw-dropping $128 billion. That’s right—smartphones are about to be the holiday MVP. 

Credit: Adobe

Why? Convenience. Shoppers love the ease of browsing, comparing, and buying without leaving the couch (or the endless holiday lines). 20% of consumers told Gartner they plan to bump up their online shopping this year, skipping the chaotic in-store rush altogether. 

Here’s where it gets interesting for brands: 60% of shoppers are worried about heading to physical stores. Concerns? High prices, limited stock, and security issues. This is your chance to keep them glued to their phones with real-time price updates, flash deals, and inventory alerts. Also, mobile-friendly exclusive offers or seamless checkouts can be the cherry on top. 

As we near the end, saving the best for last is only fitting.  

Experience of purchasing matters for shoppers

For buyers, experiences matter more than ever, and it’s not just about store visits, AR or VR magic on mobile screens. It’s about how convenient and stress-free you make shopping. Let’s face it—people want to feel good about their purchases from start to finish. Enter the game-changers: BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later), extended return policies, one-day refunds, and speedy resolutions. 

BNPL is the ultimate convenience hack, letting shoppers splurge today and pay later without feeling guilty. And those return policies? Go beyond the standard 30-day window. Flexible returns = happy customers. Throw in a one-day refund process, and you’ll be their holiday hero (that’s what Gartner said) 

For brands, it’s simple: give customers the experience they want. Make them feel like shopping with you isn’t just a transaction—it’s a relationship. The brands that win are the ones that reduce friction, keep it flexible, and make buying (and returning) as easy as pie. That’s how your brand shines. 

Cut to the chase 

Every holiday season, the game changes. Economies might shake up, tech advances might advance, and consumer habits might evolve, but what stays constant is the need for intelligent, adaptable brand strategies. To dominate 2024’s holiday rush, focus on what consumers demand: convenience, proper pricing, quality products, and seamless experiences. 

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