02_May_UK_Save the trees- Why sustainability is the next big marketing trend

Why sustainability is the biggest marketing trend we care about  

Leave a comment / / By Lindsey Giardino

Marketers would be wise to follow the old adage of “give the people want they want.”  

And now, more than ever, consumers want to buy from businesses that put sustainability at the forefront.  

In fact, according to a recent study, 73% of Gen Zers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. It makes sense. This generation has grown up with climate change as a defining issue, and they’re incredibly aware of what things like pollution and plastic waste can do to the environment.   

Gen Zers are ready to take action. But it’s not just them. Sustainability is a cross-generational concern.  

So, if a company isn’t prioritizing sustainability, especially in their marketing, they’re missing the mark completely … and losing out on the opportunity to make a real impact on the world.     

Sustain the game  

Across the board, today’s consumers are willing to put their money where their values are.  


According to The Economist Intelligence Unit, there’s been a 71% increase in online searches for sustainable goods globally over the past five years.  

Take note, because that means eco-conscious companies rise above the rest.   

Sustainability in marketing not only enhances brand loyalty and engagement to boost sales, but it can also lead to business cost savings.  

For example, according to the Carbon Trust, businesses can save up to 20% on their energy bills by implementing energy-saving measures like reducing energy consumption and water usage. 

Prioritizing sustainability helps improve and shape a brand reputation, too. This helps companies stand out from the competition by showing that they’re responsible about the environment and think about the future beyond just what’s best for the business.  

To show off your organization’s eco-friendly aspects, emphasize the use of products, procedures and brand values that are socially and environmentally conscious. 

You know what they say .. the proof is in the pudding.  

Putting sustainability to work  

Have we convinced you how important sustainability is to today’s market consumer, yet?  

If so, you’re ready to launch a marketing plan that highlights your eco-conscious values. (And if the answer is no, just Google “statistics on how sustainability impacts consumers’ view of companies,” and you will be.) 

The public is smart, so when you’re creating a sustainable marketing plan, remember that sudden change is impossible. Don’t pretend your service or product is going to impact the world overnight. You need an objective that creates change over time.  

Take, for instance, LEGO. In 2018, they announced their mission to have their production fully sustainable by 2030. That’s a 12-year plan. While a long timeframe, it’s also a practical one.  

And even though this buzzword is everywhere these days, we’ll repeat it here: be authentic. Build your messaging on facts and proof. Be transparent on your website and social media channels to communicate your sustainability efforts. Don’t oversell, but also don’t miss out on highlighting what you’re truly doing.  

Organizations should also focus on where they can make the biggest difference. It doesn’t necessarily matter what’s trending in the headlines. What’s important is to hone in on the most relevant issues for your business. You can do this by researching your competitors or auditing your customer journey to see which messaging resonates most, and when.  

Don’t just put sustainability to work at your own organization, either. Some consumers especially value brands that are leaders on environmental issues, like Patagonia. So, support environmental causes and highlight them across your social media channels.  

Cut to the chase

Sustainability is a complex topic that naturally touches on all aspects of an organization. Look at your sustainability strategy and determine if you’re hitting these touchpoints: company engagement, brand awareness and consumer experience. Ensure that you’re communicating these intentions internally and externally with transparency and authenticity, and you’re set for success.  

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